
About Greg Cornell

Living in the foothills of Arizona and working as an architect.

RURAL LIVING – I can help

By |2018-07-22T19:18:16+00:00July 22nd, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Some of us absolutely love living the rural life!  Whether it is the peace and quiet, the wide open spaces or the clean air with a touch of agriculture.  We may like horses, chicken, goats and our beloved canine friends have room to run!  These days even the rural setting come with building reviews, zoning issues [...]

I have a brand new website! Need an architect?

By |2018-04-06T21:25:37+00:00May 1st, 2017|Categories: Design|

My poor old website has been hanging around for about 18 years now.  I finally put it to rest and buried it deep.  I have been so busy focusing on being an architect that I surely have not kept up with marketing. But today a new site is Born! Check out and let's me [...]

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